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The High 5 Habits

Writer: MestakulaMestakula

Updated: Jan 23

by Mel Robbins

It’s Time to Cheer for Yourself

Consider your mornings: beyond the haze of sleepiness, how do you feel? Are you brimming with energy and positivity, ready to conquer the day? More likely, you're met with a sense of reluctance and apprehension about the tasks ahead.

But what if there was a straightforward solution to transform your mornings and, by extension, your entire outlook on life? Enter the High 5 Habit, a simple yet powerful practice that can be integrated into your routine today. This habit holds the potential to not only enhance your mornings but also cultivate a lasting sense of optimism and empowerment throughout your day.

Chapter 1

Morning Mirrors: Embracing Self-Affirmation with the High Five Habit

As you stand before the mirror each morning, toothbrush in hand, what thoughts cross your mind about the person gazing back at you? Do you commend yourself for the person you've become, celebrating your achievements and marveling at your body's capabilities? Or, like many, do you find yourself engulfed in self-criticism, scrutinizing every flaw and imperfection?

Mel Robbins, the author, once found herself in the latter camp, habitually dissecting her appearance and worrying about the day ahead. However, a pivotal shift occurred one morning when she decided to break this pattern by offering herself a high-five in the mirror.

Initially feeling skeptical, Robbins soon found that this simple gesture had a profound impact on her self-perception. It became a daily ritual, prompting her to reconsider the way she treated herself.

Rather than succumbing to negativity, Robbins began to embrace self-compassion and encouragement. As you stand before the mirror tomorrow morning, remember this choice: to dwell on shortcomings or to celebrate and uplift yourself with a high-five of affirmation.

Chapter 2

When reminiscing about high fives, we often recall moments of celebration and encouragement, whether from childhood achievements or congratulating friends on milestones. For Mel Robbins, the significance of high fives became apparent during the 2001 New York City marathon, where, despite exhaustion and blisters, the encouragement from strangers, particularly through high fives, propelled her forward.

Scientific studies reinforce the impact of high fives on motivation, with research demonstrating that they outperform verbal praise in fostering perseverance and satisfaction. Moreover, neurobic research suggests that self-high fives can rewire the brain, enhancing receptivity to positive affirmations and novel experiences.

By incorporating this simple yet powerful gesture into daily routines, such as morning mirror rituals, individuals can tap into its transformative potential, fostering self-belief, resilience, and neural plasticity.

So, why not try it yourself? Commit to high-fiving your reflection for five days, and observe the positive shift in your mindset and motivation.

Chapter 3

Breaking the Cycle: From Self-Doubt to Self-Compassion

Mel Robbins, now a renowned life coach, faced her own struggles with self-doubt and fear earlier in life, particularly during her time as a law school student. Despite landing prestigious internships, such as one at the attorney general's office in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Robbins found herself paralyzed by overwhelming negative thoughts.

Assigned a project on criminal reoffense rates, she succumbed to fear of failure, abandoning the task altogether and leaving the job without notice. This pattern of self-sabotage persisted, as seen in her withdrawal from another opportunity at a legal firm in New Mexico.

These incidents illustrate the destructive impact of negative self-perception on behavior and opportunities. However, Robbins's journey highlights the transformative power of self-compassion and resilience.

Through therapy and self-reflection, she learned to break free from the cycle of self-criticism and self-doubt, recognizing the importance of nurturing a positive and supportive inner dialogue.

Ultimately, her experiences underscore the vital connection between self-belief and personal growth, emphasizing the significance of cultivating habits that foster self-encouragement, such as the simple yet impactful act of high-fiving one's reflection.

Chapter 4

Mental Lint: Cleaning Your Mind's Filter for Positivity

When you toss your clothes into the dryer, it's second nature to clean out the lint filter to ensure it functions properly. Similarly, your mind has its own filter called the Reticular Activating System (RAS), which sieves through information, allowing only the most relevant bits to reach your conscious thoughts.

Just as neglecting the lint filter can impede the dryer's efficiency, harboring negative thoughts can clog your RAS, hindering your ability to focus on the positive. This buildup of negativity can stem from past rejections, setbacks, or insults, clouding your perception and inhibiting progress, much like it did for Robbins in her legal career.

However, the High Five Habit and other self-acceptance techniques act as mental lint removers, clearing away negativity and allowing positivity to shine through. By consciously seeking out and celebrating positive aspects of your life, you can train your RAS to prioritize them, paving the way for a more optimistic outlook.

This shift in mindset not only empowers you to take control of your mental filter but also opens the door to new opportunities for growth and fulfillment.

Chapter 5

"Transforming Mindset: The Power of Interrupting, Mantras, and Action"

At this juncture, skepticism might arise regarding the effectiveness of such a seemingly simple practice as high-fiving one's reflection. Similar doubts were echoed by Mel Robbins's daughter upon learning of her mother's new routine.

How could such a straightforward gesture initiate substantial changes in mood and self-perception? Robbins addressed this skepticism by highlighting the concept of selective attention – the phenomenon wherein things one focuses on appear more frequently in daily life.

Through the High Five Habit, individuals begin to notice an increase in positivity around them. The crux lies in disrupting entrenched thought patterns, employing affirming mantras, and embodying the desired self-image.

Firstly, interrupting negative thoughts serves to retrain the Reticular Activating System (RAS) to disregard harmful patterns. By consciously diverting attention away from self-criticism and doubt, individuals pave the way for a more positive mental environment.

Subsequently, selecting a mantra that resonates truthfully and positively reinforces the desired mindset. This mantra acts as a guiding principle, steering thoughts towards self-empowerment and growth.

Finally, embodying the envisioned persona through action solidifies the newly adopted beliefs. Actions aligned with the desired self-image provide tangible evidence to the mind, reinforcing the authenticity of the chosen mantra.

In summary, the transformative potential of interrupting negative thoughts, embracing empowering mantras, and embodying desired traits offers a comprehensive approach to reshaping mindset and fostering personal growth.

Chapter 6

From Apologies to Gratitude: Transforming Relationships

How frequently do you catch yourself uttering apologies? For many, it's become a reflex, ingrained in daily interactions. Yet, beneath this seemingly innocuous habit lies a deeper issue – an excessive sense of guilt that can hinder personal fulfillment.

Living authentically entails accepting occasional disappointments and embracing interdependence. Rather than defaulting to apologies, expressing gratitude can foster more meaningful connections.

By replacing apologies with gratitude, individuals not only uplift others but also affirm their own worth and needs without guilt. Gratitude, unlike apologies, acknowledges generosity without shifting focus onto oneself.

Moreover, constant apologies can even become irksome to those around, overshadowing genuine appreciation. Cultivating a mindset of gratitude not only enhances relationships but also nurtures a sense of self-worth and authenticity.

Instead of apologizing for existence, embracing gratitude paves the way for a more fulfilling and empowered way of living. In essence, gratitude and high fives become synonymous, symbolizing a shift towards a more positive and appreciative outlook on life.


Embracing the uncomplicated act of high-fiving your reflection each morning holds the potential to catalyze significant positivity in your life. This gesture, rooted in self-affirmation and bolstered by scientific evidence, serves as a cornerstone for transformative change.

To fully harness the potency of the High Five Habit, complement this ritual with intentional steps to shift your mindset.

Train your mind to amplify the positives, adopt behaviors aligned with your desired self-image, and replace apologies with expressions of gratitude towards others. By integrating these practices into your daily routine, you pave the way for profound personal growth and empowerment.


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